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How to Turn Off the Fan on a Whirlpool Microwave

Microwave oven fan_vent
Microwave oven fan_vent

Our lives have changed a lot thanks to technology. With the evolution of this wonderful concept, several outstanding machines have been created to bring both comfort and enjoyment to our lives. A classic example is a microwave, a very simple and yet vital piece of kitchen equipment. It is needed in almost all households since it enables us to cook and heat cold meals respectively. Truly, microwave ovens are so crucial that having them break down can cause an uproar in the home. No one prepares for days like this; when microwaves will stop working. This, however, is met with not much surprise since it is, after all, just a machine. The one incidence that is likely to cause a lot of ruckus is when a microwave refuses to stop working. That can be extremely confusing for many and jarring to all.

In this article, our focus is placed on situations in which our microwave oven fans don't stop working after you're done making use of them. This is a very common issue across brands, thus our study highlights possible causes and solutions for different brands of microwaves.

Main Problem

The microwave fan is a component of microwave ovens that keep your machine well ventilated. The fan is used to draw air, into the exhaust duct, via your microwaves vents. The process of drawing air ensures that all the heat, moisture, odour and possible particulate matter created by your cooking process is duly expelled.

If your microwave  persists even after pressing a stop button, you need to study the microwave door. Is it still open or closed? Ignore the old wife's tale about you getting hit by a dose of radiation and unplug your microwave for a proper diagnosis.

microwave samsung range
microwave samsung range

If the microwave was still running with the door open, the main problem may be with your door interlock switch. The latch of the door of your microwave is to connect to a switch, which allows your microwave to operate once activated. Once the switch gets faulty, it can cause your microwave to keep on operating even with the door open, or it can cause the machine not to work at all.

The second scenario is when the microwave is still running, but with the doors closed. In this instance, not even the slamming of the Stop button will change a thing. The problem will most likely be stemming from the machine's control board. It could be that the door switches have failed, the control board isn't sending correct shut-off signals when there's power or the switch is simply not shutting off the power as it's supposed to.

Causes of the Problem

At the occurrence, one might wonder what causes the microwave fan to keep working, long after it has been turned off. The major reason lies in the thermostat and its functioning. When your unit is too hot, there's a built-in thermostat that turns off your vent fan automatically. The fan will not go off until your microwave records a cooler temperature, closer to normal. For a while, you might not be able to physically or manually turn your vent fan off. This is completely normal.

There are some instances that even without turning on your microwave, the vent fan will still operate. The reason for this might be that it's been set off by steam. Steam comes about when you cook something on your cooktop. If your cooktop is located below the microwave, there's a high chance that steam from your boiled pasta and potatoes will be sensed by the thermostat, causing your fan to jump into operation.

How to fix it for a GE Microwave Oven

The first brand we will find solutions to is GE, this is one of the most common microwave brands on the market, thanks to its durability and affordability for the masses. When it comes to the GE microwave, the main culprit is the exhaust fan thermostat. The thermostat turns on the exhaust fan as soon as it senses any form of heat. The thermostat of the GE microwave is known for failing ever so often, and the more it does, the most likely your fan is to run constantly. Whenever you encounter the issues of fans refusing to go off with a GE microwave, try the following steps;

  • The first thing to do is to visit the control room. To do this, press the 'control setup'. Alternatively, you can choose the 'options' button which allows the microwave display to enter the setup mode.
  • Next, scroll through the options to the 'vent fan' sub-menu. Press the Enter/Start option, and then select 'off'.
  • After the off button, press the 'Enter/Start' button one more time, and this will turn the vent fan off totally.

How to fix it for a Samsung Microwave Oven

The second brand is Samsung, another outstanding brand that Is known for its modern, highly technological options. There are three major ways to solve the fan issue when it comes to Samsung ovens;

  • Via the high limit thermostat

While your oven is in the heating stage, the high thermostat sends voltage to the oven fan. Your high limit thermostats might have an issue, which causes them to keep sending voltage signals to your oven even after the oven has cooled down. In such situations, a multimeter must be used in testing the thermostat to determine if it's at fault. Experts check for continuity, which refers to the presence of a complete path for easy current flow. If it's found after the test that your thermostat doesn't have a clear path through which electricity can flow, it will be best to replace it.

  •  Via the oven control board

According to all user settings and sensor inputs, the oven control board of the Samsung microwave features relays that help regulate the power to the broil, bake and fan circuits. Since this is very rare, it is advised that you check the oven thermostats before attempting to replace the control board itself.

  • Thermostat

As your oven heats up, it needs the thermostat to send voltage to the oven fan. There are instances when the thermostats still send voltage to the oven fan long after the oven has cooled down, and these instances occur when the thermostat contacts are stuck closed. Like before, you need the service of a multimeter to know if the thermostat is at fault. Again you will need to check for a clear path which allows for electrical current to flow (continuity).If this is absent within your thermostat, it means your thermostat is indeed the major cause of your issue. Replace it to improve the functioning of your microwave.

How to fix it for a Frigidaire Microwave Oven

The functioning of a Fridgidaire microwave is unique. This is because most models function not only as microwaves but also as stovetop hoods. In this instance, the vent fan of your microwave might be turned on when the cooking range causes an overheating problem. This might go on for a while, with the fan still running on high without responding to the on/off switches. To solve this, turn on the microwave, setting it to a few seconds. Once the oven is turned off, there's a high chance your fan will turn itself off automatically.

Difference between vent and fan in a microwave oven

There are varying types of microwave ovens, and with each new type comes a difference in mechanics. Some ovens are referred to as venting microwaves, or microwave ovens with vents, and those with exhaust fans. These two types of microwave still operate with the sole aim of making our meals warm and tasty, but they offer different operations, which are highlighted below.

The fan or fan motor in a microwave oven is located at the rear end of a microwave, closer to its top. Fans are common in over-the-range microwaves, and they typically take away contaminants from your kitchen air. They are regarded as extremely efficient, versatile and powerful in operations.

The vent is represented by extremely tiny slits on the body of your microwave. These vents can be found either on the sides or at the bottom of your microwave oven, and they aim to release contaminants from within your microwave to the atmosphere.

The major difference between the vent and fan is that contaminated air is pushed out by the fan, while the vent allows it to move out of your microwave oven. Both elements work together to ensure your oven is in top operating health at all times.

In some cases, ovens have been known to operate without vents. In such instances, exterior vents are depended upon for the easy release of contaminants. An externally vented oven works mainly with a fan. This fan brings in air through your oven's vents, directing it to an exhaust duct that moves to the exterior of your abode. With the externally vented microwave oven, all heat, moisture and odours generated are sent outside directly.

Microwaves, just like all other appliances, can have issues that reduce their efficiency. If you ever experience a situation in which your fan or vent won't turn off, there's no cause for panic. Try out some of the steps outlined in this article, and if it persists, bring in a trained professional for help, as there could be a more serious issue.

How to Turn Off the Fan on a Whirlpool Microwave
