Orion Ed80t Cf Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Telescope Review
Posted 09 May 2016 - 08:17 PM
I would like to buy Orion ED80T CF Triplet Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Just I still need more data to make my conclusion.
If anyone of you lot have used information technology please tell me wether if information technology worths the effort or non ?
if yeah, what to purchase with it, like Field flattener, a focal length reducer?
What kind of rings that I have to purchase to Piggyback the refractor on the LX200 with Losmandy DM10.
Will the Celestron T-Adapter for SCT telescope work with information technology ?
Orion ED80T CF
I have
Meade lx200 acf with wedge
Losmandy DM10
2 DVR90 Guide Scope Rings. I can alter the rings and add new rings
Orion Star-shoot All-In-One Astrophotography Camera for auto-guider
Celestron T-Adapter for SCT telescope
Celestron T-Ring for Catechism EOS DSLR and SLR camera
Fotasy NAT2 T2 T Telescope Mount Lens to Sony NEX E-Mount Adapter
Posted 11 May 2016 - 01:09 PM
For an extra $100.00 I would become the WO 81gtf in a hearbeat. Has flattener already built in. Information technology is a tank though, only wIll absurd bether than the Orion. Dainty r&p focuser on it. Great optics. 50mm actress focal length though. If that matters.
Edited by SkyGibbon, 11 May 2016 - 01:fifteen PM.
Posted 11 May 2016 - 02:59 PM
I have the 80mm Orion. . . I utilise it for visual only at this point so I can't answer most of your questions.
However, the color correction is excellent. I see no in focus colour on vivid objects at high magnifications. So it should practice well for AP.
Cooling really hasn't been a problem. I suspect that I see some improvements over the course of most a half 60 minutes, simply it's very subtle.
The focuser is amend than average and should agree a fair load. I have no problem with information technology slipping when using a 31mm Nagler, for example.
Posted 12 May 2016 - 09:09 AM
Hold, mine has bang-up colour correction - I'd originally bought it for imaging and made a few images with information technology - but there were some small difficulties with reducer and or flattener with my 8300M /Fw8 setup - the focuser / rotator was non really up to the task. I believe MoonLite made or makes an adaptor and focuser if you wanted to go that fashion. Performed very well for visual. They show up in the used marketplace fairly frequently on Astromart.
Posted 12 May 2016 - 09:29 AM
Here is the color-crossing nautical chart for this optic.
I'm 85% certain that Kunming is the Chinese manufacturer backside this product. The focuser on the TS and the Orion is certainly a Kunming unit.
I also wouldn't be surprised if Stellarvue's SV80ST used the same optic. The tube assembly is also the aforementioned equally the TS tube associates, but with a Sharpstar R&P focuser bolted on in place of the Kunming Crayford.
For imaging, you want rings and a proper dovetail rather than the little shorty pes dovetail.
TS sells the same scope, only with an aluminum tube and rings and a dovetail in place of the human foot, for 646 Euros (about $735) net export price, plus aircraft and insurance (around $sixty).
If so, Orion's deal isn't bad (if you like Carbon Fiber amend than aluminum (I do) and prefer a regional dealer to a foreign one (i'yard ambivalent), but likewise past the math isn't over-the-tiptop great either. In value terms information technology would autumn between the TS scope and the Stellarvue one.
Edited by jrbarnett, 12 May 2016 - 09:39 AM.
Posted 14 May 2016 - 08:37 AM
Thank yous all
I am baffled. I take ruled out the Orion carbon fiber because it'south bend under temperature.
GJJim, on 17 Jun 2014 - six:24 PM, said:
Another interesting property of CF tubes can be institute when they are exposed to intense sunlight. On a vivid sunny twenty-four hours they tin can get very hot and if the epoxy resin is of the cheaper variety, the tube will warp and bend from the differential heating. That might explicate the "help me collimate my refractor" threads that we run across now and and then.
I always liked the Williams optic but I have establish the Explore Scientific Triplet ED APO 102mm f/7 Refractor Telescope Alu Essential with Hex-Focuser. I will get more focal length and for future program I can go equatorial mount.
SkyGibbon can you provide me with a link for the telescope.
What is Hex-Focuser?
would it be easy to mountain the 102mm over my Sixty 200 acf? it'southward only 1 KG over the 80 mm.
I take search the Internet to see what's the maximum refractor size to mount over LX200 ten" but I couldn't find any.
Source: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/536623-orion-ed80t-cf-is-it-worth-buying/